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Unlock Your Potential

Take the first steps towards achieving your goals and living life on your terms


We are dedicated to helping people like you who want something more, something different and have a strong work ethic

Choose where and how you work
Develop your own potential
Become part of our supportive community
Help others achieve more

How Could You Achieve Your Goals?

When first started we knew nothing and there were 2 questions we needed answered.

1) What would we have to do

2) Would WE be able to do it?


What do we do?

Step 1 : Find People Who Want Results

There is a whole menu of ways to find people we can help, both online or offline - we can show you different options, you choose which work best for you.  You can look for people in any one of 94 countries.

Step 2 : Offer them more information

It is our job to show people what is possible, not to try to convince anyone. If they're interested, we can show them more information in a way that suits them - video links via text, phone or zoom calls or introductory evenings. 
If not, wish them well and let them know they can come back in the future if anything changes

Step 3 : Help them get results!

For those who are ready to make a change, we show them how they can reach their goals and help them along the way.
We have lots of ways to support people - one-to-one, challenges, community groups with information and advice, apps, face to face meetings - national and international

How do you get paid?

Depending on the time you have, how much you want to earn or how you want to work, we will help you to put your plan together.

How Much Can I Earn?

This is completely dependent on you 

  • your decision - do you want a part-time, average full-time or exceptional full-time income? 

  • how much effort are you prepared to put in?

  • are you prepared to learn from others who have already become successful?

Note: This is not a 'get rich quick scheme', it will take time and effort to generate a full-time level income.

Full support and training available, including 1 to 1 or online

Direct profit from customers

You will earn between 25 and 50% profit as you help people achieve their results.
Great customer care will lead to repeat orders and referrals.
You can achieve a good part-time or average full-time income from helping your customers

Royalties - get paid multiple times for the work you do today

You have the option to help other people who want to earn extra money as well. As they build their income by helping others get results, you will earn royalties plus the potential for additional bonuses and rewards.

Next Steps

  • Ready to start unlocking your potential? Click on the contact button to arrange a time to get your questions answered

  • Not quite sure yet?  No problem!  Take a look at the feedback from other people who are already making changes.  



Read on to hear from others who have already made their decision.

After 15 years in freelance IT careers, we were sick of the increasing commuting times, rarely being able to take holiday at the same time because we had to work while the contracts lasted and fed up with the general political, cutthroat culture of the City. Everything about our lives revolved around being available for work from where we lived to the food we ate as we had little time in the evenings and spent the weekends recovering.  We were looking for something that we could do from home so we could have a better work/life balance.  Now we have an international business, work with some wonderful people and feel proud about how we are building our future by helping others.  We have replaced one income and are well on our way to our ideal lifestyle – working when we want, to be able to enjoy sunny days whenever they happen, working in a positive environment and no longer wishing our lives away to the next weekend or Bank Holiday.

Freelance IT Professionals

My background was in personal training and gym management.  When I left school, I didn’t want to go to university.  I knew I wanted to help people, so turned to personal training and I really, really enjoyed it and loved helping people, but I realized early on that my income was capped the hours were really unsociable, working early mornings and evenings, often 6-7 days a week.  When I met my husband and we started a family I was looking for a change. I opened my own personal training studio thinking that it would give me more time, but I found the opposite. It was unpredictable as people wouldn’t spend their disposal income on personal training when they had to cut back. I got into financial difficulty, my home was repossessed, and I was in debt of £24,000. A friend approached me with this opportunity.  I was sceptical at first, is this for me, I don’t get it, but what did I have to lose?  I tried the products and also tested them on friends and, and they were getting great results.  This is what I’d wanted to achieve as a personal trainer.  I built my business part-time, from the kitchen table, around a job managing a health club, personal training and a new-born baby.  Flexible, choose my own hours, around my baby. Went full time after a year, husband got involved as with his career we weren’t seeing each other.  After about 3 years, he could leave his corporate job. We are full-time parents, go the school events and do our business around the family.

Mum of 2, Personal Trainer, Gym Owner

I’m a heating engineer by trade and have always been interested in health and fitness, I was involved in football at a high level when I was younger, and an amateur boxer, having had over 30 amateur fights.  When my daughter turned one, I couldn’t train as much as I wanted to, and it was difficult with work as well.  I walked into Tesco and bumped into a stranger who said hi to me. I followed him on Instagram and Facebook, and saw what he was doing, talking in front of thousands of people. I thought it was really interesting, so had a phone call. he told me to go to an opportunity meeting, so I did. I heard loads of people’s testimonies about weight loss and residual income.  I joined, got on a 4-week programme, was in the best shape I’ve ever been in.  Just over a year later I have quit my job and so excited for what’s to come.  I’ve qualified for a free holiday to Miami for the whole family

Plumbing and Heating Engineer

I used to train a hell of a lot, but my body never reflected the work I was doing.  Then I had a poor recovery from a caesarean, couldn’t lose the baby weight and got on a plan although I was very sceptical.  Now I work very part-time, around my 2 small children but it allows me the freedom to be there for my kids whenever I want or need to. I love the fact that there is no glass ceiling, if I’m willing to put the work in there is no one who is going to tell me I can’t achieve more and earn more.

Single mum

More Testimonials

I originally had a corporate background, working 80 hours a week with a lot of driving. As people left the company, I was given more and more work.  It was so bad, on one occasion I fell asleep at the wheel, and ultimately had to be signed off. I quit that job and requalified as a nutritionist. I invested in a health and fitness franchise, which was very successful but hit a ceiling in my income without buying another franchise with all of the headaches that would bring.  My husband’s work was taking us to a different location, so I sold the business and started to do personal training part-time.  His business then collapsed, and we lost everything.  My knee-jerk reaction was to return to a corporate role, but I hated it. When I heard about the opportunity, but was sceptical. I tried the products and was very impressed. I love to see people get results and learn to live a healthier and enriched lifestyle. I also love the freedom of choice, I work the hours I want to work, I’m able to spend time with loved ones when I want or need to. I have time leverage, no fear of redundancy, and the residual income will be our pension for the future.


I was approached about the business as I had a large female client base. I said I’m not a salesperson and couldn’t recommend something if I didn’t believe in it. I got a great result on the products and I decided to close the tanning business and go back to university, but I quickly learned that I couldn’t live off the student loan and needed an additional income. I decided to start this business part-time around being a full-time student  and it has given me several great opportunities to travel.

Mobile Spray Tanning Business

Over 250 professional games, 6 caps for my country, coming to the end of my career and going through a bad time.  A friend recommended this business, but I said not for me.  He started anyway, and I noticed that his energy and fitness was massively improving. I asked him what it was all about and he said, “come and see”.  He was earning £500 a month part-time just for talking to people. I went to a meeting with my wife, and I was impressed by the results and the potential of the business model. We started part-time, around our jobs, and it now pays our mortgage and has paid for a luxury holiday. We’re excited about the future!

Rugby League Professional

I started as a customer, I was training but not getting the results I wanted.  I got amazing results with the products and shared them with my beauty customers, friends and family.  As a beauty therapist, I worked very long hours, often at weekends, and it was very tiring.  Now I still get to interact with a lot of people, enjoy helping them get results, but I have a lot more time and freedom to do what I want.  I’m a lot happier!

Beauty Therapist

At 17, I signed up to get a discount on my personal products. My teammates asked me what I was using and became my first customers.  At university, I built up a reputation as the guy who got results!  I am now working my business part-time around football.

Semi-Professional Footballer

I have a successful beauty salon, but life happens and personal circumstances led to me becoming heavily in debt. My earnings from the salon were capped, there were only so many hours in the day. At that point my sister introduced me to this business.  It worked perfectly in harmony with my salon, and I started to get a great result with the products. The business has not only helped me to pay off that enormous debt, but during 2020, when the salon was only open for 6 months, it enabled me to continue to work and pay my bills. What was a hobby, a Plan B, is now my Plan A.

Beauty Salon Owner

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